+33 (0)2 97 31 70 70 reception@hotel-la-desirade.com

Contact & Access | Hotel La Désirade ***


The most classic way to get to Belle-Île is to go to Quiberon and take the boat (https://www.compagnie-oceane.fr/en/). You will arrive on the island in “Le Palais”. La Désirade is located near the wild coast about 6km from the harbour towards the aerodrome.

  • By car: on the RN 165 exit at Auray then direction Quiberon at 26 Km
    Paris – Quiberon: 505 Km / Rennes – Quiberon: 155 Km / Nantes – Quiberon: 160 Km
  • By train: nearest station served all year round: Auray. Quiberon station open from June to September, bus service from October to May.
  • By plane: Lorient Bretagne Sud (74 km from Quiberon) or Nantes (159 km from Quiberon) airports
  • From Quiberon by boat: boarding in Port Maria, up to 12 crossings per day, by ferry (45min crossing), or by high-speed ship (in high season, without vehicle – 35min crossing)
  • In season and pedestrian only: crossings from Vannes, Port Navalo, La Trinité and La Turballe
  • Possibility of private air transport by Belle Ile aerodrome or by taxi plane – Iroise Aero Service (we will pick you up and take you home).

From “Le Palais” port, many transport options are available if you do not have your own car.

  • Vehicle rentals
  • Taxi: there are few taxis on Belle-Ile and only work on reservation. Let us know 24 hours in advance the arrival time of your boat, we will take care of the reservation! Count about 15€ the trip from Monday to Saturday and about 20€ on Sundays and public holidays.
  • A bus network also exists on Belle-Ile