+33 (0)2 97 31 70 70 reception@hotel-la-desirade.com

La Désirade – Discover Belle-Île

A short note from Pierre and Benedicte

Mysterious and intact, Belle-Île-en-Mer is a real refuge, an interlude enchanting every traveller who comes to discover it.

Its treasures offered without restraint, combined with the charm and services of La Désirade are, without a doubt, a unique remedy to relax…

During your bike rides (rented at La Désirade) or on foot (104 km of coastal paths) you will discover all the facets and colours of the island.

We will be pleased to guide you in your discovery of Belle-Île.


Land-based activities


Marine activities


Hiking on Belle-Ile


Places of interest


Family activities


The great lighthouse of Goulphar


Land-Based Activities


Cycling is undoubtedly the best way to discover Belle Ile.Whether you’re a Sunday cyclist or an accomplished sportsman, you’ll find plenty of cycle routes on Belle Ile to suit all abilities. Even better: if you have an electric bike, you can recharge it at the hotel. We can also rent you classic bikes or electric bikes!


Marine activities


The sea offers many possibilities for activities on Belle-Ile:

  • Catamaran excursions around the island, crossings to Houat and Hoëdic or discovering the Gulf of Morbihan. (Tours d’îles or Belle-Ile Voile)
  • Optimist, windsurfing or catamaran lessons on the Grands Sables beach.
  • If you’re a thrill-seeker, Donnant beach is for you: with its rollers, it’s the place to be for Belle-Ile surfers (see Ty School).
  • You can also opt for a sea kayak trip to discover the Belle-Ile coastline, or a diving trip to explore the forests and underwater meadows.

Hiking on Belle-Île


With 2,800 m of vertical drop and 85 km of coastal paths, Belle-Île offers an experience worthy of medium-sized mountains, but by the sea. Voted France’s favorite GR® in 2022, the GR® de Pays “Le Tour de Belle-Ile-en-Mer” is a playground accessible to all fit hikers and trailers.

Destination Belle-Île” can organize tailor-made trips to discover the island in a wide variety of ways.

Mewen Bauchy will accompany you on your hikes and help you discover Belle-île: its flora and fauna, its history and anecdotes.


Places of interest


Les Aiguilles de Port Coton: The fame of this spot is not only due to the paintings done by Monet, who fell in love with the place. They owe their name to the fact that, during gales, the foam rises into the air like frothy cotton-like flakes. The Aiguilles regularly offer magnificent sunsets in warm colors, sublimating the end of the day.

Grand Phare de Goulphar: the most imposing of the island’s three lighthouses is located at Kervilahouen on the southwest coast. This 92-metre-high granite tower was built between 1826 and 1835, and its optical range of 50 km is one of the longest in Europe. The view from the top is breathtaking. A permanent exhibition presents the various aspects of the lighthouse keeper’s job.

Pointe des Poulains: located at the north-western tip of the island, this is an emblematic Belle-île site. The visit begins with the property owned by tragedienne Sarah Bernhardt, comprising 2 villas and a fort that allow visitors to relive the ambiance and atmosphere of the era. Continuing along the coast, you’ll come across the Poulains lighthouse, which stands on an islet accessible at low tide. Inside, an exhibition showcases the natural riches of the headland.

The Citadelle Vauban: Overlooking the port of Le Palais, it has been a listed historic monument since 2006, and its museum is open all year round (except January).
Your entrance ticket also entitles you to visit the Musée d’art et d’histoire de Belle-Île, the Salle de la Marine and the Citadelle’s corps de place.


Family activities


Belle-ile by donkey

From April to November, Belle Ile Aventure offers an acrobatic course in the forest of Belle-Ile.

Èl & Ô Nature Evasion Archery


The great lighthouse of Goulphar


Considered as the most imposing lighthouse of the three ones built on the island, it is located in Kervilahouen on the southern-west coast. This 92 meters-granite-tower was built between 1826 and 1835. Its light is one of Europe’s most powerful and can be seen up to 50 kilometers away. The view from the top is breathtaking. At the bottom, a permanent exhibition shows the different aspects of the job of a lightouse keeper.